Returning to Medium After a Year-Long Hiatus

Plus, what you can expect from me moving forward

Liv Mello
3 min readAug 31, 2023
Photo by the author, Liv Mello

I haven’t posted on Medium since July of 2022 and I have to admit, I feel a bit rusty! Not rusty in the writing sense, but rusty in the sense of — what the heck is Medium even about anymore?

Why I Left Medium a Year Ago

When I left, there were a lot of changes happening. Publications were closing. Curation was becoming less and less effective. There were new rules regarding how and when you could start earning your first dollar on Medium. It felt like all the hours I had spent learning the platform were becoming futile. And my obsession with gaining success and traction as a writer was, to put it bluntly, destroying my mental health.

And so, I took a one-year hiatus. Although, when I canceled my membership and signed out of the platform, I didn’t plan on returning. Fast-forward a year and two months later, and here I am.

Why I’m Returning to Medium

I’m returning for a couple of reasons. One, I miss writing. Actually, let me clarify that. I miss writing for the sheer fun of it. When I left Medium, I was so wrapped up in trying to figure out what type of content would perform best on the platform, I stopped enjoying the act of…



Liv Mello

Freelancing advice and figuring out how to be happy. Check out my work at